Friday, November 30, 2012

Last night in Houston

We had a relaxing last day in Houston.  We just got back from a nice dinner at the Italian restaurant next door to the hotel. It felt so good to be out as a family together.  Rather than posting a lot of text, I thought I'd conclude the Houston posts with some funny Photo Booth shots that we took today.  You can see how happy we are.

Hopefully, the next time we post to the blog, we'll be back on the East Coast.

More later.


We have Texas travel approval

We just heard from Gladney that we have Texas travel approval so we'll be able to travel as a family back home tomorrow instead of leaving Rachel and Ava behind while we waited for approval next week.  One glitch:  we still are waiting for DC approval so we will not be able to go to DC until that approval comes through (hopefully on Monday or Tuesday).  So while we're waiting, we'll stay in Virginia so that Jenny can easily get to school and I can get to work.

We are so happy that the approval came through.  We are all in a good mood and I'm about to head out for a walk with the girls while Rachel gets things together and takes a shower (yes, it's after noon and certain people in this household are still in their pajamas!).

I took some good photos while we were hanging out this morning after we got the good news about the travel approval.  Will post those later.


Day 8 in Houston

We are all feeling much better (at least I am).  We still have no word about Texas travel approval but for me the days are much better than the nights and I always feel much better after I have my coffee (two cups today!).  Jenny is at the table eating breakfast -- over the course of the week here, she has been through every item on the children's breakfast menu so today she opted for something new -- oatmeal.  As usual, Ava is asleep in the bassinet.  She had a good night last night so I got a fair amount of sleep.

My parents stopped by the room at 9 am to say goodbye since they are flying back to SF today as scheduled.  My mom held Ava for a few minutes and I took a few photos (see below).  Then Rachel woke up Jenny so she could say goodbye.  It was so sweet seeing Jenny get sad to see them leave.  She cried and said she didn't want them to go.  Even after they left, Jenny wanted to go after them and say goodbye again (so we caught them in the hallway and said goodbye again!).  Then Jenny called them on their cellphone as they were getting in a taxi to tell them she wanted them to visit her in DC.  It was so great having them as part of this experience.

Today should be relatively quiet.  We will run a few errands and I will pack.  Then we wait to see whether there is any word from Texas.

More later.


Day 7 in Houston

I'll make this quick.  We still have not received travel approval from Texas even though we were originally scheduled to depart today (Friday).  So we decided to extend our flight for one day to allow one more day for Texas approval.  So yesterday afternoon, we changed our flight to return on Saturday.  If the Texas approval is not complete by the end of the day today, then I will fly back home on Saturday with Jenny and Rachel will stay in Houston with Ava until we get Texas approval.  That way, Jenny can get back into her school routine and I can go back to work.  We have no idea if Texas approval will come today but we are hopeful that if it doesn't come today, it will come on Monday.  The hotel was able to extend us for another night and we'll call the rental car company today to extend that by one day.  Are we having fun yet?

My parents are leaving as scheduled today to go back to CA so we'll miss them (and I know Jenny will also).

We had a really nice last night together in Houston last night.  Went out to dinner with Jenny and Ava  at the shopping mall across from the hotel and then came back and watched a movie in the room (Grease).  It was so nice and we have really treasured this time with them.

Right now, it's 5 am and Ava is asleep.  I'll try to get a little sleep now.

More later.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

End of day 6 in Houston

It is the evening of day six in Houston (if you count Friday evening when we arrived from College Station as day 1) and we're doing our evening dinner/movie routine -- this time watching Shrek with Jenny and my parents.  It is so nice.  Ava is sleeping in the bassinet after a long period where Rachel, my mom, and I took turns holding her.

One of the special parts of today: When Rachel and I went to lunch today at the shopping area across the street from the hotel, we walked by a cupcake place and we decided to buy some cupcakes to celebrate Ava's one week birthday (she was born on Wednesday a week ago today!).  We just surprised Jenny with the cupcakes for desert.  Ava slept through the cupcakes but it was fun to have the mini celebration.

I have posted some video from today (of us giving Ava her bottle) as well as some regular photos.  You can tell that we are both in such a good/silly mood that it's fun to watch the video.  Rachel keeps referring to Ava as the "Urpel Smagerkil (I believe Urpel is a reference to Ava's burping when we feed her because the nurse at the hospital kept referring to burps as "urps".  No idea where "Smmagerkil" comes from other than in rhymes with Urpel).  Where at that point where little things like that seem funny.

Talking about feeding Ava reminds me of the email exchange I had with Jane C yesterday about whether or not we are exhausted.  On one level, I have been surprised that the evenings haven't been that bad compared to what everyone warned me about (being so tired that I was completely delirious).  On the other hand, I have noticed that the waking up in the middle of the night to feed Ava is taking a toll on me in turns of fatigue.  I find myself falling asleep easily at weird times.  It will be interesting to see how I adapt to going back to work next week.  Also, we still need to figure out how we're going to do the late night feeding once we're back in DC -- whether we will take turns each night or take turns within a given night.  Plus, we need to get one of those baby monitors since right now it's easy to know if Ava needs something (her bassinet is right next to my head on the couch!) but in DC she'll be in the next room and it won't be as easy to hear her.  But we are aware of the fact that Ava is a very patient and calm baby - so far we have not had any late night drama or worries about the constant crying that we hear is common in some babies.

Still no word on the paperwork approval from Texas and DC but we hope we'll hear something tomorrow (Thursday) at a minimum on the Texas approval.  As much as we love Houston and this hotel, we're ready to head home.

Last thing: this afternoon when Jenny was with my parents at the Houston zoo and Rachel was in the room resting up with Ava, I was able to venture out and find three boxes of the Similac Advance baby formula.  So we are all stocked up to last us through the week (and probably some into the weekend).  Rachel also ordered some online so we'll have a supply when we get home.  Ok - signing off now.


Day 6 in Houston

As great as Texas has been, we are starting to get a bit stir crazy here and we are looking forward to heading home.

Today, the game plan is for Jenny to go with my parents to the Houston zoo (it was either that or the Johnson Space Center and she wanted the zoo).  Rachel and I will do a few errands, including going on a mission to find baby formula.  Who knew it was so hard to find the 2 oz size of Similac Advance?  The stuff has got to be so profitable -- we used what our doctor had recommended and at no point did we really think about comparison shopping for the lower cost infant formula.  Yesterday before dinner, Rachel and I went on a wild goose chase to four stores to finally find some formula but we have only enough to get us through Thursday.

After dinner, we had another family movie night -- this time Disney's Tangled.  I think Jenny has seen it a million times but she always gets scared.  I had never really watched it all of the way through.  Like typical Disney movies, it had a pretty evil villain (the witch).  Disney does a great job with the minor characters -- particularly the horse and the chameleon.  I think my dad enjoyed watching the movie with Jenny.

As we begin to turn our thoughts to heading home, I've been thinking a lot about Texas and how different it has been from the stereotype that you sometimes hear about it (people with big hats and big accents).  The people in College Station and Houston have been smart, sophisticated,  friendly, and, in the case of Houston, there's clearly a lot of money here.  The cars in the parking lot of the hotel and the shopping area across the street are often really nice.  The other thing I notice: people dress well here - much better than DC.  People at this hotel are totally stylish.  I feel underdressed when I go down to the lobby in my casual clothes to get more coffee (especially after a night of Ava duty) and I run into these lawyers in their power suits or women on the way to a business meeting.

One minor downside of being here in Houston for an entire week:  our accumulation of stuff has grown from the huge amount we had when we arrived here.  I have no idea how we are going to get all of this stuff home!

I have posted some new photos from this morning and yesterday.  The first one is of Jenny sitting at the table doing the schoolwork that her teacher sent with us for the days that she is missing school this week.  The others are of us with Ava (asleep, of course).  That baby just sleeps so much!  Last thought: today Ava is one week old!  She was born last Wednesday.  Seems like ages ago.

More later.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fun things to do with Photo Booth application and baby

It's almost 2 am and everyone else in the Firschein household (Houston outpost) is fast asleep except for me and Ava.  She was asleep but now she has the hiccups and I think burping is not a solution to hiccups (note to self - look up answer to this one in the morning).  But until I am able to get Ava to sleep, I have been sitting with her on my lap.  At some point (ok, in about 3 minutes), I ran out of interesting things to say to a 6-day old.  So as I was sitting with Ava on my lap and looking at my MacBook, I figured I would amuse myself and amuse Ava with baby photo tricks using the Mac's Photo Booth application.  Readers of this blog will know that this has been an endless source of fun for Jenny but I have nobody to blame but myself for tonight's little Photo Booth episode.  Here are the series of goofy photos I took -- some with Ava, some without.  Ava seemed to find it interesting (at least more interesting that staring at the side of her Pack N' Play) and given my mental capacity at this point, I found it endlessly amusing.

My next aspiration is to see if I can figure out how to turn on the effects that Jenny was playing with yesterday so that I can make these Photo Booth shots really come to life with goofy photo effects and different styles.  Enjoy.


Singing to Ava Elizabeth

Last night, my mom was holding Ava and started singing to her.  I got this video of my mom singing Yiddish songs to Ava.  So nice.  I wish I had recorded more of it, in part because it put Ava right to sleep and I could use it in other moments when nothing else works.

Right now Jenny is with my parents -- they went to the Houston aquarium (same place where Jenny went yesterday with her friend Anna).  So Rachel and I have been having a nice afternoon just with each other and Ava.  We walked around the shopping mall across the street and had lunch.  Now we're back in the room relaxing.  The weather got a lot colder here -- I told Rachel that's good since we won't have as tough an adjustment to cold DC weather.

We called United Airlines this morning and told them that we were traveling back to DC with an infant so they added Ava's name to our reservation.  Now the only potential complication is waiting for DC and Texas to approve the paperwork required for us to leave Texas to travel back to DC.  The adoption agency tells us they normally don't provide any projection on when they will be done but they typically take five business days.  So hopefully, everything will be done by the time we need to fly home Friday.  If not, we'll need to delay are travel home.  Jane said there may be an option for us to travel home as long as we don't actually go to DC (apparently, the rule may be not that we can't leave Texas, just that we can't return to our home state until all of the paperwork is signed).  We will research this further tomorrow and, if it's an option, staying in VA starting early next week may be a lot easier than staying in Houston.  As I noted to Jane, I'm not stressing on this issue.  The adoption has gone better than our wildest dreams so if the worst thing that happens is that we are stuck for a few more days in a luxury hotel in Houston, I can live with that as challenging as that is for our family's schedule.

That's it for now.  Will sign off and feed Ava.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Photos from Monday night in Houston

We just had another good dinner in the room with Jenny, Ava and my parents and now we have Monday Night Football on the TV while we take turns holding Ava.  Before dinner, Jenny and I went down to the hotel pool and had a nice swim.  The pool area is beautiful and we were the only ones there.

We got a wonderful email today from T's mom.  We sent her a note back and we already heard back from her with another great note.  What an incredible surprise to have such a positive ongoing relationship with T's family.

Here are the good photos from this afternoon and tonight.


Day four in Houston

We have had a relaxing day on this Monday in Houston.  This morning we went to the pediatrician that was recommended to us by our friend Stephanie who is from Houston.  The doctor  was really nice and said that Ava is in good health.  He reminded me of the Tommy Lee Jones character in the move "The Fugitive."  Just a wizened old guy with a lot of good common sense.  When he heard that Ava was born in College Station, he said, "ah ha -- an Aggie!"  He didn't tell us what his allegiances were but it reminded me that everyone here seems to have allegiance to either Texas A&M, U of Texas, or one of the other schools like Baylor or Rice or Texas Tech.   He gave us some simple advice like let her eat as much as she wants rather than stopping her at 20-25 ml.   He listened to her heart and looked in her ears and proclaimed her good health.  We were happy to hear that.  One funny aside from our pediatrician visit:  when we arrived, the nurse situated us in an exam room and told us to put the baby in a fresh diaper so she could be weighed.  While we were changing her into a fresh diaper, she took a big pee all over the exam table.  I think Ava just wanted to show all of us (including the nurse) who was boss.

When we got back to the hotel, we met back up with my parents and Jenny and had lunch at the shopping center across from the hotel.  It's 80 degrees here and sunny so I am actually getting a bit of a sunburn just walking around!

Now I'm back in the hotel room with Ava (she's sleeping).  Rachel and my mom went to Pottery Barn Kids to find some baby furniture for Ava (because we didn't want to count our chickens before they hatched, we didn't order anything before the TX trip).  My dad is swimming in the hotel pool.  And best of all, Jenny went with her friend Anna (Stephanie's daughter) and her family to the Houston aquarium.

Here are some good photos that we took today (yes, we were the freaks taking photos in the doctors office.  The other people were probably thinking:  who are these people who are so excited to be in the doctor's office that they are taking photos!?).  We also got some good ones at lunch with Jenny.

More later.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

End of day three in Houston

We feel like we are pretty well settled in Houston.  Today Rachel, my mom, and Jenny went to the Houston Ballet to see the Nutcracker.  My dad and I hung back at the hotel with Ava.  It was so relaxing.  We bundled Ava into the stroller and headed over to the shopping mall across the street from the hotel.  We got some lunch and then spent a few hours sitting outside the Starbucks.  It really was nice (it also happens to be sunny and 75 degrees, which helps).  On the way back, we walked by a cigar store and I resisted temptation to buy a few stogies to smoke with my dad later.  It was funny poking our heads into the cigar store -- there were a bunch of guys sitting around on big leather lounge chairs smoking cigars and watching NFL football.  Not too shabby.  Instead of stopping there, we headed back to the hotel and Jenny and Ava and I watched a few football games on TV (my dad joined us in the room later).

When Jenny, Rachel, and my mom got home from the ballet in the afternoon, I took Jenny to the hotel pool and it felt so good to swim with her (and of course go in the hotel jacuzzi).  Then we all had dinner in the room as a family and then watched The Sound of Music on the DVD player.  I couldn't think of a better way to spend a day.

Here are a few good photos I took today - one of my mom with Ava, one of Rachel feeding Ava, and one of Ava wrapped in her little straight jacket outfit that Jane and Greg gave us.

Tomorrow morning we head to the pediatrician for our first visit since we left the hospital.  We will likely leave Jenny with my parents and they will either take her to the pool or perhaps to a museum.  According to the hotel staff, it's supposed to be 80 degrees in Houston tomorrow.  Remind me again why we don't live somewhere warm in the winter?  Speaking of which, we have been liking Texas more and more.  We have a Texas A&M outfit for Ava and now we have a special place in our hearts for Texas.


Video of Ava Elizabeth

Here is a video that Jenny and I just took of Ava Elizabeth.  It's not too exciting because Ava is sleeping but we were having fun.  I'll try to add more video later.


Day 3 in Houston

Last night went well and we are getting better at figuring out how to take care of Ava.  She is such a patient little girl as we try different ways of doing things -- how to swaddle her just right and how to not take too long when we do a diaper change (the only time she really cries a lot is when we are changing her and she is no longer in her warm outfit).   In some ways, she reminds me of Jenny when we were in China -- just looking at us very patiently while we fumble around!

Everyone told us we would be delirious from lack of sleep but the pleasant surprise is that at least for now I don't feel too tired.  As Rachel put it, our normal mode is not getting a lot of sleep so in some ways this is no different.  Last night, I set my alarm to ring every four hours so I can feed Ava and she generally goes right back to sleep after I feed her.  Meanwhile, Rachel has been taking care of Jenny at night and making sure that she doesn't feel neglected.  So far, it's working out well.

I just fed Ava and now she's asleep in the bassinet.  The nurse at the hospital had told us that we should only give her between 20 and 25 ml in each feeding but it's hard to know how much she is drinking.  She just wolfs it down and sometimes she drinks too much!  For example, last night she drank almost the entire bottle before I could take it away.  So I keep having to pull it out and see how much she has done.

Now Rachel and Jenny are in the bedroom where Rachel just gave Jenny some earrings (according to R, a gift from Ava to Jenny).  Today, Rachel, Jenny, and my mom are going to the Houston Ballet to see the Nutcracker.  It will be a nice diversion for them and I know they will enjoy it.  My dad and I will hang out in the room with Ava and will watch some football on TV.  We might also venture out and get some sunlight.  It's beautiful here in Houston - warm and sunny.  It will be a shock to get back to DC where we hear it is cold and icy.

Here are some photos that Jenny and I just took.  We are having fun playing with the camera.  The last photo we took using the "photo booth" application which we love.  Jenny set the effects to look like an Andy Warhall print.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Rachel feeding Ava

I just took some good photos of R feeding Ava.  Jenny also got in on the act.  Here they are!
