As great as Texas has been, we are starting to get a bit stir crazy here and we are looking forward to heading home.
Today, the game plan is for Jenny to go with my parents to the Houston zoo (it was either that or the Johnson Space Center and she wanted the zoo). Rachel and I will do a few errands, including going on a mission to find baby formula. Who knew it was so hard to find the 2 oz size of Similac Advance? The stuff has got to be so profitable -- we used what our doctor had recommended and at no point did we really think about comparison shopping for the lower cost infant formula. Yesterday before dinner, Rachel and I went on a wild goose chase to four stores to finally find some formula but we have only enough to get us through Thursday.
After dinner, we had another family movie night -- this time Disney's Tangled. I think Jenny has seen it a million times but she always gets scared. I had never really watched it all of the way through. Like typical Disney movies, it had a pretty evil villain (the witch). Disney does a great job with the minor characters -- particularly the horse and the chameleon. I think my dad enjoyed watching the movie with Jenny.
As we begin to turn our thoughts to heading home, I've been thinking a lot about Texas and how different it has been from the stereotype that you sometimes hear about it (people with big hats and big accents). The people in College Station and Houston have been smart, sophisticated, friendly, and, in the case of Houston, there's clearly a lot of money here. The cars in the parking lot of the hotel and the shopping area across the street are often really nice. The other thing I notice: people dress well here - much better than DC. People at this hotel are totally stylish. I feel underdressed when I go down to the lobby in my casual clothes to get more coffee (especially after a night of Ava duty) and I run into these lawyers in their power suits or women on the way to a business meeting.
One minor downside of being here in Houston for an entire week: our accumulation of stuff has grown from the huge amount we had when we arrived here. I have no idea how we are going to get all of this stuff home!
I have posted some new photos from this morning and yesterday. The first one is of Jenny sitting at the table doing the schoolwork that her teacher sent with us for the days that she is missing school this week. The others are of us with Ava (asleep, of course). That baby just sleeps so much! Last thought: today Ava is one week old! She was born last Wednesday. Seems like ages ago.
More later.