It is the evening of day six in Houston (if you count Friday evening when we arrived from College Station as day 1) and we're doing our evening dinner/movie routine -- this time watching Shrek with Jenny and my parents. It is so nice. Ava is sleeping in the bassinet after a long period where Rachel, my mom, and I took turns holding her.
One of the special parts of today: When Rachel and I went to lunch today at the shopping area across the street from the hotel, we walked by a cupcake place and we decided to buy some cupcakes to celebrate Ava's one week birthday (she was born on Wednesday a week ago today!). We just surprised Jenny with the cupcakes for desert. Ava slept through the cupcakes but it was fun to have the mini celebration.
I have posted some video from today (of us giving Ava her bottle) as well as some regular photos. You can tell that we are both in such a good/silly mood that it's fun to watch the video. Rachel keeps referring to Ava as the "Urpel Smagerkil (I believe Urpel is a reference to Ava's burping when we feed her because the nurse at the hospital kept referring to burps as "urps". No idea where "Smmagerkil" comes from other than in rhymes with Urpel). Where at that point where little things like that seem funny.
Talking about feeding Ava reminds me of the email exchange I had with Jane C yesterday about whether or not we are exhausted. On one level, I have been surprised that the evenings haven't been that bad compared to what everyone warned me about (being so tired that I was completely delirious). On the other hand, I have noticed that the waking up in the middle of the night to feed Ava is taking a toll on me in turns of fatigue. I find myself falling asleep easily at weird times. It will be interesting to see how I adapt to going back to work next week. Also, we still need to figure out how we're going to do the late night feeding once we're back in DC -- whether we will take turns each night or take turns within a given night. Plus, we need to get one of those baby monitors since right now it's easy to know if Ava needs something (her bassinet is right next to my head on the couch!) but in DC she'll be in the next room and it won't be as easy to hear her. But we are aware of the fact that Ava is a very patient and calm baby - so far we have not had any late night drama or worries about the constant crying that we hear is common in some babies.
Still no word on the paperwork approval from Texas and DC but we hope we'll hear something tomorrow (Thursday) at a minimum on the Texas approval. As much as we love Houston and this hotel, we're ready to head home.
Last thing: this afternoon when Jenny was with my parents at the Houston zoo and Rachel was in the room resting up with Ava, I was able to venture out and find three boxes of the Similac Advance baby formula. So we are all stocked up to last us through the week (and probably some into the weekend). Rachel also ordered some online so we'll have a supply when we get home. Ok - signing off now.
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