Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Singing to Ava Elizabeth

Last night, my mom was holding Ava and started singing to her.  I got this video of my mom singing Yiddish songs to Ava.  So nice.  I wish I had recorded more of it, in part because it put Ava right to sleep and I could use it in other moments when nothing else works.

Right now Jenny is with my parents -- they went to the Houston aquarium (same place where Jenny went yesterday with her friend Anna).  So Rachel and I have been having a nice afternoon just with each other and Ava.  We walked around the shopping mall across the street and had lunch.  Now we're back in the room relaxing.  The weather got a lot colder here -- I told Rachel that's good since we won't have as tough an adjustment to cold DC weather.

We called United Airlines this morning and told them that we were traveling back to DC with an infant so they added Ava's name to our reservation.  Now the only potential complication is waiting for DC and Texas to approve the paperwork required for us to leave Texas to travel back to DC.  The adoption agency tells us they normally don't provide any projection on when they will be done but they typically take five business days.  So hopefully, everything will be done by the time we need to fly home Friday.  If not, we'll need to delay are travel home.  Jane said there may be an option for us to travel home as long as we don't actually go to DC (apparently, the rule may be not that we can't leave Texas, just that we can't return to our home state until all of the paperwork is signed).  We will research this further tomorrow and, if it's an option, staying in VA starting early next week may be a lot easier than staying in Houston.  As I noted to Jane, I'm not stressing on this issue.  The adoption has gone better than our wildest dreams so if the worst thing that happens is that we are stuck for a few more days in a luxury hotel in Houston, I can live with that as challenging as that is for our family's schedule.

That's it for now.  Will sign off and feed Ava.


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