Saturday, December 15, 2012

Relaxing day with Ava and Jenny

We are having a relaxing Saturday with Ava and Jenny.  This morning, I actually slept in until 9:30 am which is the longest I have slept in weeks.  Unfortunately, Jenny woke up with a fever so Rachel has been spending time with her while I take care of Ava.  Rachel suggested that I take Ava out of the house since it was sunny and not too cold.  So we bundled her up and put her in the car seat and stroller.  I walked all around the Georgetown campus with her and then headed over the Marvelous Market in Georgetown.  It was so great walking in Georgetown with her -- I just love the historical aspect and it felt so good walking with Ava.  When I got to Marvelous Market, I met Elana and Jessica there and we had a really nice time.  They took turns holding Ava and we fed her.  Rachel and Jenny also had a relaxing day watching movies and cuddling on our bed.

Right now Ava is asleep and we're going to have a quiet night at home.  We were supposed to go to a movie tonight but we decided to stay home since Jenny still has a fever.  We called Jenny's pediatrician and they told us to give her children's Tylenol and we should call them tomorrow morning if she still has a fever.  She seems happy for now so as long as she's in bed cuddling with mommy and watching movies, she is having a good night.

I have pasted below a video that I took this morning of Ava playing on the play mat.  I also posted a  photo of her.  She is such a beautiful, healthy baby and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives.

More later.


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