Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ava is one month old

It's amazing to me that it has been one month since we were in College Station for Ava's birth.  It seems like a year ago!  We are feeling so blessed to have Ava in our lives.  Yesterday, Rachel and Ellen took Ava to the pediatrician and the doctor said she's still growing well and is a healthy little girl.  Last night may have been our most sleep yet since we have been home.   We switched Ava from the 2-ounce size bottles to 3-ounce and the additional amount seems to enable her to sleep longer between feedings.  So I only woke up once last night (I think it was some time around 3 am).  Not too shabby.

We are starting to feel more together and organized (although I do go through bouts of loosing stuff for no particular reason).  Thanks to all of the work Rachel has done with the organizer lady, the house is more organized than it has ever been.  We are still waiting to organize/clean up Ava's room (which is still configured as our office) and we will do that as soon as Ava's crib and dresser show up hopefully in January.

We are looking forward to a quiet few days at home for the Christmas holiday.  Jenny has a break from school and I am taking a few days off.  In fact, tomorrow, I am taking a day off from work to take Jenny to the movies.

Here are some photos that Rachel took yesterday of Ava on her play mat.  She likes it!  More later.


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